Friday, August 19, 2011

wrapping up the global leadership summit

I've now written a series of posts in response to my experience at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit. I did not include all the speakers, not because some were not engaging, but for the simple reason that I didn't write down much while they spoke.  Seth Godin, for example, was fantastic, but he spoke so fast and showed so many pictures that I found it was better to just sit and listen, rather than try to write things down.  My takeaway from him was, "Go be yourself and make something happen". The interview with Michelle Rhee was fantastic, but again I found myself wanting to simply listen rather than note-take.  I plan to read her book soon, though, and joined her group StudentsFirstHenry Cloud had us create a thought-provoking chart on how to deal with different types of people, but that is not something I can easily create on the blog (my tech skills are a lot more limited than I let on).

To wrap this up, and to make sharing easier, I'll conclude by linking to each post here.  I'm glad to hear that at least one person has enjoyed this review of all that I took in at the summit (shout out to you, Joshua! see you at Dr. Beck's place!)

pondering meeting my maker (the summit opened with a surreal version of Awake My Soul)
pondering what I heard (on having ears to hear)
pondering wild goose and willow creek (comparing the two experiences, with a Hybels at each)
pondering Len Schlesinger and The Help
pondering Cory Booker's parents
pondering samaria, sexual orientation, and gender identity
pondering Mama Maggie Gobran and my own tough calling
pondering humility with John Dickson
pondering nakedness with Patrick Lencioni
pondering the future with Erwan McManus

(someday I'll learn how to organize this blog more efficiently. for now, thanks for bearing with me)

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